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Life will throw you hiccups and self-doubt along the way.


A little test here or there to see just how badly you want your dream.


And you can listen to that doubt, you can see these hiccups as a sign to stop. You can lose that fire in your gut, and resign to walk in the darkness. You can listen to those voices which tell you it's time to give up on that dream.




You can listen to the voices who say your dream is worth this struggle. You can fumble around in the darkness to find a light. You can see these hiccups as nothing but a hurdle to overcome. You can listen to that part of you who knows you can conquer the world if you only continue to believe in yourself.


You and you alone decide if life's hurtles will kill your dream.


No matter the setbacks, the screeching halts, or the impossible circumstances, only you can pick that dream back up, to morph it or shape it into a living, thriving thing.


You decide whether life is your scapegoat to quit, or your test to conquer.




Thank you Sierra Whitmyre for the wonderful photo!!

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